On this page:
How to Sign Up
To create your first account, go to www.ctrwow.com and click on TRY CTRWOW button
Enter your email address (must be a deliverable email where you can receive the confirmation code)
Enter your account information
You’ll receive a code sent to your email, please enter it under Passcode before proceeding.
Create a new CTRwow Account/Company
If you haven’t been invited to join an existing company, sign up or log in at http://www.ctrwow.com
After logging in, click on the Create New Company button to create a new company
Enter the Company Information
Click on the Create Company and Continue button and the new account is ready.
DFO Affiliate
While creating a new account/company, if you’re a DFO Affiliate, just check the box I am a DFO Affiliate and add your Affiliate ID and your Affiliate email
Or, if you’d like to become a DFO Affiliate, click on the Become an Affiliate button
and then fill in the REFERRAL INFORMATION tab:
Ultimately, click on the Save button, and you’re all set to go.
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